New discount 5years go (2020) admin
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1: About New Crown Virus. fortunately. After difficult times, China took control of the virus. No new cases are safe in my area. All packaging is exported from China to other regions. There is no doubt that it is safe.
2: About delivery. We work hard. I have completed the delivery rate of many customers buying goods to 95%. I will send all customer orders in the shortest time.
3: About improving efficiency. My advice is: After the manufacturer and logistics company have completely resumed all normal work. Maybe your customers are eager to buy more new products. Hope you can help me promote more products in your team. I am ready to send customer orders at any time.
4: Express delivery services in cities in some countries may be stopped at any time due to the epidemic. I have a suggestion. Tell your fans. If they have favorite items. please do not hesitate. Please tell them to buy as soon as possible. To avoid local courier companies from stopping work.

Thank you for your hard work and reading this article. I want everyone to be safe and healthy.

Copyrights:admin Posted on 2020-03-13 16:43:07。
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